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We hope that business negotiators find what they're searching for in our free resources. This is the next best thing to coming to one of our negotiation training courses.

Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation tactics are the detailed methods employed by negotiators to gain an advantage. Negotiation tactics are often deceptive and manipulative. Often, negotiators use negotiation tactics to fulfill their own goals and objectives. This is often to the detriment of others, making most tactics in use today "win-lose" by nature. We would like to caution negotiators to only make use of ethical negotiation tactics. We would advise thinking first about the context of your

How Important Is Building Trust in Negotiating Agreements?

by - Bob
Nowadays, it is difficult to make a deal if there is no trust in negotiations. Even if a negotiator manages to make such a deal, it will be very challenging to implement it. Building trust is essential in any meaningful long-term relationship. In business, this is regardless of whether you're selling, buying, or resolving conflict. Most deals, even one-time deals, have consequences in the future. Roger Fisher wrote about the importance of trust, and principled negotiation

Facilitated Video Review

Our video reviews have destroyed our Negotiation Experts' egos. Why? No matter how captivating our slides or crafted our words, our facilitated video reviews still win our clients' highest praise. How often have you walked away from a negotiation wondering: “How could I have done even better? or “What did I miss? or “Why was that so tough? or “Why don't all my negotiations go as well as this deal? If these questions sound familiar, then you'll likely begin

Best Sales Training Advice on How to Increase Your Prices

No customer wants to stomach a price increase. Sadly though, as long as central banks control our currencies, salespeople will need to keep up by increasing prices. It's simple arithmetic of more currency chasing the same amount of products and services. Not only are buyers trained to say ‘no’ to price increases, but most buyers also avoid meeting to so much as allow sellers to discuss price increases. Fortunately, yours is a well-trodden path. Our expert sales negotiation
Snake Charmer Renegotiation

Renegotiation - Snake Charmer


How Microsoft Outnegotiated Netscape in the Browser War

Microsoft vs. Netscape: Strategies Back in 1996, Steve Case’s AOL was urgently seeking a top-notch internet browser to market AOL's products. Both Bill Gates’ Microsoft and Netscape Navigator were vying with AOL to take them on as a client. In terms of their best alternative (BATNA), Netscape held a decisive advantage due to its strong technical superiority and dominance in the browser market. Microsoft was just in the process of entering the market and held a fledgling

Negotiation Strategy

A predetermined approach or prepared plan of action to achieve a goal or objective to make an agreement or contract. (also see Negotiation Tactics.) To learn more, read this check-list to prepare your negotiation strategy.

Outsourced Contract Negotiator

by - Jenny
Outsourcing the finding and negotiating of your contracts is akin to outsourcing marketing and sales negotiation. I don't know of any company who successfully outsources these crucial areas. You may do better to seek a business partner or employee with these crucial skills before setting up your company. The risk you would expose yourselves to, should something happen to this pivotal person, would be large. I'm going to focus on the negotiation aspect, as this is our area of

Our Client Collaboration Approach

Clients trust our 5 phase Client Collaboration Approach for the creation of their in-house training solutions. Stage 1: Requirements Definition Following our initial discussions, a Company Key will be created for the your delegates in order that they may complete our online Negotiation Diagnostic Profile™. One of the positive effects of this is the engendering of a sense of ownership and influence with regards the training solution. This in turn leads to greater acceptance

16 Best Negotiation Training Courses for 2025

Eight negotiation experts agreed on this up-to-date list of the best negotiation courses for 2025 for both classroom and online. We hope that their research will save you time and help you choose the best negotiation course.
Dog Cat If-Then Cartoon

'If-Then' in Negotiation


Trust Building in a Trilateral China Japan Western Negotiation

by - Dr Bob March
Overview This complex, ongoing negotiation involves three countries, each with players who have their own agenda and preferred outcome. Although at the time of writing the negotiation had yet to become hard-nosed regarding price, delivery, and technology, it shows how relationships develop over time and some of the dynamics at play in this relatively early phase. The Scene Our company (English owned, with regional headquarters in Hong Kong, a joint venture in Japan, and
negotiation styles

Negotiation Styles

The most popular way to divide the typical negotiation styles or approaches are: Competing (Aggressive or Disagreeable) Collaborating (or Cooperating) Avoiding Compromising Accommodating (Conceding or Agreeable) Most negotiators have one or two preferred negotiation styles. It's ideal to be able to choose to apply the most appropriate negotiation style to each type of negotiation. In fact, skilled negotiators are flexible in switching their negotiating styles depending

Internal Team Negotiations

by - Gregory
The answer to this question really depends on the situation surrounding the negotiations. Lets explore lesser discussed of the two negotiation:s internal or intra-team. What do you need to bear in mind when preparing for internal or intra-team negotiations? Your success in intra-team or internal negotiations will all too often float or sink depending on how well you've prepared for your stakeholders or colleagues. These factors include: the relative strength of each person

Value Creation Framework

We owe a debt of gratitude to our clients for generously sharing their feedback over the years on our Negotiation Value Creation Framework™ and supporting toolsets. Without our clients’ collaboration in refining and proving the value of our strategies, tool-sets, and processes in the tough and tempered world of their commercial negotiations, our Value Creation Framework™ could not have evolved into the rigourous trusted negotiation methodology it is has become
Salary Negotiation Tips for College Students

The Best Salary Negotiation Training Skills for College Students

by - Calum Coburn
College Students and Negotiation Experience Sometimes, college graduates are lucky enough for their employer pay for their spot on one of our negotiation seminars. So, how well do college graduates perform on our negotiation skills seminars? College students almost always get the lowest scores using our online negotiation simulation role-plays. Also, college students tend to struggle to hold their own against seasoned negotiators in our classes. Despite this, our college
Pay Rise Negotiation Cartoon

Pay Rise Negotiation

Nepal-india Water Negotiations (Power Asymmetry)

Nepal–India Water Negotiations (Power Asymmetry)

Asymmetry of Power Between Nepal and India India is 40 times larger in land area than Nepal, and India was hungry to meet its increasing electrical power needs. Nepal is one of the poorest nations in the world. It's also economically linked to India due to its geographic situation. However, Nepal’s water wealth is enormous. Several studies revealed that 89 sites within Nepal are potentially capable of producing 30 gigawatts (GW) of hydroelectric power to energy-starved

Win-Win Negotiation

A win-win negotiation settlement is an integrative negotiated agreement. In theory, this means the negotiating sides have reached an agreement after fully taking into account each other's interests, such that the agreement cannot be improved upon further by any other agreement. By definition, there are no resources or "gold" left on the table and all creative options have been thoroughly exploited. "Win-win" has its roots in Economics Game Theory.

Is Principled Negotiation used in Business?

by - Sibilla Kawala
Most readers may appreciate a short introduction to the phrase 'Principled Negotiation'. 'Principled Negotiation' became known to the world from Fisher and Ury's seminal book "Getting to Yes" (Check out our book review). The phrase 'Principled Negotiation' has become synonymous with the phrase "win win", so you will often find these two phrases used interchangeably. So who uses "Principled Negotiation"? Mainly Northern American Academics and Mediators. Why? Principled